The Spiritual Journey around St James' Church Grounds
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1. All Souls
Circle me, Lord: keep hope within, keep despair without
This first Circle reminds us that all human beings are 'mortal'. We live, we die - enjoying a relatively short time on earth. Here we remember all whom we have known and loved - and recall that we too are mortal like them.
Bible verse: 'I am the resurrection and I am the life.' John 11:28
1. All Souls
Circle me, Lord: keep hope within, keep despair without
This first Circle reminds us that all human beings are 'mortal'. We live, we die - enjoying a relatively short time on earth. Here we remember all whom we have known and loved - and recall that we too are mortal like them.
Bible verse: 'I am the resurrection and I am the life.' John 11:28
1. All Souls
Circle me, Lord: keep hope within, keep despair without
This first Circle reminds us that all human beings are 'mortal'. We live, we die - enjoying a relatively short time on earth. Here we remember all whom we have known and loved - and recall that we too are mortal like them.
Bible verse: 'I am the resurrection and I am the life.' John 11:28
1. All Souls
Circle me, Lord: keep hope within, keep despair without
This first Circle reminds us that all human beings are 'mortal'. We live, we die - enjoying a relatively short time on earth. Here we remember all whom we have known and loved - and recall that we too are mortal like them.
Bible verse: 'I am the resurrection and I am the life.' John 11:28
1. All Souls
Circle me, Lord: keep hope within, keep despair without
This first Circle reminds us that all human beings are 'mortal'. We live, we die - enjoying a relatively short time on earth. Here we remember all whom we have known and loved - and recall that we too are mortal like them.
Bible verse: 'I am the resurrection and I am the life.' John 11:28
1. All Souls
Circle me, Lord: keep hope within, keep despair without
This first Circle reminds us that all human beings are 'mortal'. We live, we die - enjoying a relatively short time on earth. Here we remember all whom we have known and loved - and recall that we too are mortal like them.
Bible verse: 'I am the resurrection and I am the life.' John 11:28
1. All Souls
Circle me, Lord: keep hope within, keep despair without
This first Circle reminds us that all human beings are 'mortal'. We live, we die - enjoying a relatively short time on earth. Here we remember all whom we have known and loved - and recall that we too are mortal like them.
Bible verse: 'I am the resurrection and I am the life.' John 11:28
1. All Souls
Circle me, Lord: keep hope within, keep despair without
This first Circle reminds us that all human beings are 'mortal'. We live, we die - enjoying a relatively short time on earth. Here we remember all whom we have known and loved - and recall that we too are mortal like them.
Bible verse: 'I am the resurrection and I am the life.' John 11:28
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Dark Preamble - Seasonal announcement or note, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida aliquam magna